The Second SIMBA Training Course took place from the 30th September to 2nd October this year. Organised by the University of Parma–SITEIA.PARMA with support locally from CINSA the course explored the scientific, regulatory and safety aspects in the application of microbial technologies and nanotechnologies in agriculture, food processing and food production. Held in Venice, Italy, this was a special event as it was the first SIMBA event to take place in-person since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Due to travel restrictions in some countries, some participants did attend virtually.
The course was open to applicants from outside the SIMBA project and was attended by 37 young researchers and professionals from all over the world. In total 11 different nationalities were represented, with attendees coming from Brazil, India, Pakistan and Thailand, as well as from all around Europe.
The residential course took place in Centro Don Orione and consisted of four jam-packed modules on a range of topics:
- Module 1: Microbial technologies: application from Farm to Fork (biofertilisers, biostimulants)
- Module 2: Nanotechnologies and nanoformulates: application to Farm to Fork
- Module 3: Risk assessment and safety aspects in the application of microbial and nano-technologies to agriculture and food production
- Module 4: New technologies for extreme environments: microbial and nano-technologies application in response to climate change
The modules were delivered by experts from within the SIMBA project and from Universities and Institutes around the world. Speakers from all over Europe, the US and China provided a unique perspective on the latest research and regulations in the application of biostimulants and biofertilisers in food production. The course also included poster presentations from participants with a prize awarded to the best presentation at the end of the event.
The course was a resounding success, with participants enjoying the social aspect of the in-person course. Social activities included a formal dinner, a concert from a string quartet and site-seeing in the beautiful city of Venice. The SIMBA consortium would like to thank all participants and course organisers, Prof. Nelson Marmiroli and Elena Maestri from University of Parma for this memorable event.