The last consortium meeting to take place as part of the project took place from the 27th-28th of March 2023. The meeting was held in the University of Bielefeld in Bielefeld, Germany and was hosted by SIMBA partners based in the university.
The two-day event featured a range of different activities including an introduction from project coordinator Anne Pihlanto, updates on progress from work package leaders, a General Assembly meeting, a tour of the university’s facilities and a series of presentations from SIMBA researchers which were designed to spotlight scientific results stemming from the project. The meeting took place in hybrid format to facilitate those who could not be there in person. Also in attendance was SIMBA’s External Scientific Advisory Board who were there to provide insights and feedback on the progress of project results.
The meeting was a great opportunity for partners to connect in person. Other activities for partners included a walking tour of the historical city (featuring some snow!) and a meal for partners overlooking the city lights. There we even mentions of a SIMBA samba being developed for the final event!
This is the last consortium meeting to take place during the SIMBA project. The next time partners come together will be for the final SIMBA partner meeting and final symposium in Copenhagen in September 2023. More details can be found here.

SIMBA partners viewing the lab facilities at the University of Bielefeld

SIMBA partners viewing the lab facilities at the University of Bielefeld