New publication: AORA Marine Microbiome Roadmap

03 Feb 2020

The United Nations will dedicate the next decade to Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

The Decade’s vision and mission are consistent with the objective of the Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance (AORA) between Canada, the European Union and the United States of America, that is to “advance the shared vision of an Atlantic Ocean that is healthy, resilient, safe, productive, understood and treasured, to promote the well-being, prosperity and security of the Atlantic for present and future generations”.

The Marine Microbiome Roadmap outlines how the marine microbiome is at the heart of the ocean as a living system, driving its nutrient and biogeochemical cycles, forming the basis of its food webs, performing essential and yet unknown functions in climate regulation, including buffering the effects of global change.

The Roadmap is the result of an international cooperative effort between marine microbiome experts, including partners from SIMBA, from Canada, the European Union and the United States of America who developed it over the course of three workshops and seven months.

A diverse group of stakeholders participated in this work and the outcome, as presented in the roadmap, is a result of extensive consultation with those who directly participated in the workshops as well as others that were invited to comment on the work as it progressed.

Within the Marine Microbiome Roadmap, three thematic pillars have been identified by AORA scientists and policy makers, all supported with underlying cross-cutting elements: Environment and Climate, Food Value Chain and Biodiscovery.

The Marine Microbiome Roadmap was launched on the 5th February 2020 in Brussels, ahead of the All-Altantic Ocean research forum. The SIMBA coordinator Anne Pihlanto, SIMBA partners Henk Bolhuis and René Groben, and Margaret Rae from the Marine Institute Ireland and a member of the SIMBA Scientific Advisory Board were in attendance. You can read about the launch of the report here.

Find the full document on zenodo or by clicking on the button below.

AORA Marine Microbiome Roadmap