Are you interested in sustainable and healthy food? Answer the SIMBA survey

19 May 2020


The Business Economics Group of Wageningen University and its partners are conducting research on consumers’ interest in sustainable and healthy food products, that are produced with the use of beneficial microorganisms (i.e. bacteria, micro algae and fungi). Specifically, the survey aims to understand how consumers feel about microbial applications in crop production and the willingness to buy these novel food products.

You can watch this informative video which explains more about the application and potential benefits of microbial applications in our food system.

The survey aims to collect data from consumers in Finland, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands. Watch the translated videos here:

Finland:  here
Germany:  here
Italy:   here
the Netherlands:  here


Your input will help the researchers involved to design recommendations for increasing the consumption of sustainability and healthy food products, obtained through the use of microbial innovations. The survey only takes 15 minutes, and your responses are completely anonymous and confidential.

Please click on one of the following links to proceed to the survey for the crop of your choice:

Wheat:  here
Potatoes:   here
Tomatoes:  here


Thanks for contributing to SIMBA research!

For more information on the surveys contact: