CIRCLES workshop – Plant and soil microbiomes for sustainable agriculture
29 Mar 2021 |
Scientists have identified the essential role of microorganisms for plant and animal growth and health. Harnessing microbial functions proves to be key to productive and sustainable food production. The European Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies thus recognise the microbiome as a priority research area which should enable the transition to resilient and healthy food systems. Against this background, CIRCLES is inviting organisations to participate in the workshop “Plant and soil microbiomes for sustainable agriculture” taking place on 29 March 2021, 15.00 – 16.30 CET. Participants will have the opportunity to get insights from plant and soil microbiome experts whilst exchanging ideas on the potential of microbiomes for food systems applications. The workshop will aim to: Identify and strengthen the role of microbiomes for sustainable and safe food production; and, Assess the regulatory and technical barriers faced by industry and researchers in relation to the development of microbiome-based products for agricultural applications. The workshop will further grant the opportunity to learn more about how microbiomes applications are perceived and what is the state of their development in the United States. The online workshop will welcome researchers, policymakers, industry players and NGOs from all over Europe and the United States. Please register to the workshop using the registration form.