The SIMBA Final Symposium took place from 27-28 September 2023, in Copenhagen, Denmark. This was the final event of the project and was attended by over 100 participants. It was held in hybrid format, both online and at the University of Copenhagen. The aim of the symposium was to celebrate the achievements of the project and explore the wider impact these results will have both in Europe and beyond. It was also a great opportunity for partners and stakeholders to connect in person for the final time before the end of the project in October 2023.
The one and half day event comprised a number of engaging sessions for SIMBA partners and external participants. The event kicked off on the 27th of September with a networking event for SIMBA partners and related microbiome projects. The session started with an introduction to the SIMBA project from coordinator Anne Pihlanto (Luke, Finland). Following that presentations were delivered by representatives from the DELISOIL (Horizon Europe), METROFOOD (H2020) and MIRRI-ERIC (H2020) projects. Presentations were also delivered by SIMBA sister projects from the #Microbiomes4Life cluster HOLOFOOD, MASTER and MicrobiomeSupport.
The 28th comprised three distinct sessions, which explored the results from SIMBA’s seven different work packages through the lens of the One Health Concept. The first session was on ‘Microbes & Plants’, the second session was on ‘Microbes, Food & Human Health’ and the final session was on ‘Marine Microbes’. Each session featured presentations from SIMBA work package leaders, followed by a panel discussion with both SIMBA partners and invited guests.
Overall, the Final Symposium was a very insightful and informative event. Not only was it a celebration of the project results but it provided partners with an opportunity to connect and share their results with project stakeholders and the wider public.
Recordings of the presentations and panel discussions can be viewed here.